Light kefir diet for weight loss: menus and results of those who have lost weight

rules for losing weight with a kefir diet

Today we will provide an informative overview of the weight loss program for women and men - kefir diet. Whether you use it or not, it's up to doctors, professionals. We only suggest that you familiarize yourself with this next type of dietary restriction. And at the end, read the expert opinion.

The kefir diet is perhaps the most common program based on mono-nutrition. It owes its popularity to the general availability and low calorie content of kefir. Fermented milk product contains substances that gently cleanse the intestinal tract, removing excess water from the body. Weight loss is also achieved by speeding up the metabolism.

Despite the seemingly significant positives, there are still negatives and it's worth knowing about.

Why kefir is good for weight loss

Kefir deserves attention, if only because it contains many beneficial bacteria and fungi. This unique set of valuable nutrients helps our digestive tract to function properly and helps you feel full for a long time. The dietary properties of the product deserve special attention. Regular consumption of a fermented milk drink helps to get rid of extra pounds. And all because, as already mentioned, it normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract. And thanks to this, food is digested faster (as a result, the result is active weight loss).

But there are a few tips here regarding not only the quality of the drink, but also its compatibility with other products.

Basics of the kefir diet

Let's go over the basic principles dictated by the program:

  • The main ingredient is kefir. Its fat content is 1%.
  • Fractional nutrition involves the use of 6 glasses of kefir during the day.
  • Stick to the drinking norm: Drink as much pure water as your body requires. This figure rarely exceeds a few "prescribed" liters. Heat, heavy physical activity - and that's it, maybe.

What to expect from your diet

Most diets are intended for short term use. Good nutrition, which you can live on for years and decades, needs to be balanced. But the vast majority of diets are “biased” towards all nutrients (BZHU), and therefore have a fairly strict schedule. Although you can get rid of a few extra pounds in a short period of time, the weight will return quickly even after serious restrictions. Nutritionists do not recommend sticking to this express method for a long time.

Fasting day

Kefir “fasting” days are a relatively safe event for the health, the purpose of which is to cleanse the body. Do not confuse "unloading" with fasting. Completely refusing food, a person significantly slows down the metabolism, energy is spent sparingly, and the body tries to maintain weight with all possible strength. Losing extra pounds in such a situation will be difficult. A fasting day, on the contrary, speeds up the metabolism with regular nutrition.

“Unloading” is often used during a diet to move the boom on the scale when weight loss is at a standstill.

Advantages and disadvantages

The kefir weight loss program has its pros and cons. Its main positive points are:

  • normalization of the digestive tract;
  • improved well-being.

And here are the undeniable drawbacks:

  • insufficient supply of nutrients to the body;
  • the body receives few calories, so you will need to refrain from exercising during the diet period.

The creators of the diet guarantee a loss of 3 to 7 kilograms in a very short period of time. It may be true. But beware, salt, which retains fluids in the body, is totally excluded here. And this means that during the period of the diet the body simply loses a large amount of water. After all, burning so much subcutaneous fat in a matter of days is simply beyond the realm of possibility. But when all the lost kilograms are water, the weight will come back very soon.


First of all - individual intolerance. In addition, the doctor will advise to refrain from following a kefir diet for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases: ulcers, gastritis, colitis and others.

How to make diet kefir

Getting this drink at home is a snap. Its main difference from its counterpart in the store is the shelf life: at home it is shorter (only one day). This is due to the naturalness of the product.

You will need a liter of 1% cow's milk. The same store-bought kefir can be used as a sourdough.

Cooking process:

  • heat the milk to 40 degrees Celsius;
  • add a tablespoon of kefir;
  • immediately after adding the starter, pour the mixture into a jar and leave it in a warm place for a day;
  • after 24 hours the homemade kefir is ready.

What products can replace kefir in the diet, if you can not use it

Kefir contains milk fungi, which increases the acidity of the stomach. Therefore, the diet is contraindicated for people suffering from a high level of it. But there is a solution to the problem: replace the fermented milk drink with a special leaven. It is a ready-to-use mixture containing several types of bacteria. It can be bought in a pharmacy or in specialty stores. At first glance, the mixture doesn't look alive at all. But the bacteria are simply dried in a special way to increase the shelf life. Once in a favorable environment, they come to life. And you get delicious homemade kefir, which can be prepared if you follow the instructions on the package.

Kefir diet options

Nutritionists around the world have developed many varieties of kefir diet, which we will now talk about. However, they differ from each other in terms and restrictions. The more rigidity, the shorter the duration.

Psycho-emotional stress is a major drawback of all diets. Are you ready to mentally resist such a test? The most important thing in dieting is the mental attitude. Losing weight should be a conscious and correct goal. If you force your body to do what you don't really want to do, you can get stressed out. And this already threatens prolonged depression and the appearance of health problems. Therefore, do not take dieting as a duty, but as a benefit for your own body.

Kefir diet for 3 days

And here is the most difficult option (respectively - short term). The diet consists of 1. 5 liters of fat-free kefir and two liters of water.

One Day Kefir Diet Unload

the pros and cons of a kefir diet for weight loss

Fasting day doesn't always give the desired results, but at least such a short program is easier to accomplish than a long nutritional restriction.

Here the menu is similar to the previous option.

Winter kefir diet for 3 days

The winter diet is more varied and nutritious than the summer diet. Kefir is used as a snack, for an afternoon snack and before bedtime: one glass at a time. And the authorized products are:

  • chicken eggs;
  • cabbage;
  • potatoes;
  • casserole of carrots;
  • Chicken fillet
  • ;
  • honey;
  • fruit;
  • fish.

In this list, you can eat a product only once during the whole diet (three days). It's hard to call this option strict, do you agree? You can lose up to 1 kilogram per day. But will such a result be long term? Alas, of course not. After all, it leaves excess fluid and not subcutaneous fat. And it will instantly fill "its capacity" when the restrictions are lifted.

Kefir diet for 5 days

The program is similar to the three-day variant. The difference is in adding a kilogram of fruit or vegetables per day, as well as the ability to eat lean meat.

This diet acts as a detoxifier and is well tolerated. At the slightest sign of discomfort (weakness, dizziness), the diet should be stopped immediately. The return to your usual diet should be gradual.

Diet for 7 days

This variety is the most popular. The diet consists of 0, 5 liters of fat-free kefir and 400 grams of the following products:

options for a kefir diet for weight loss
  • potatoes;
  • chicken
  • ;
  • cottage cheese
  • ;
  • fruit.

A little "but": you can only eat one of these foods each day.

The sixth day of the diet should be "hungry" meaning you can only drink water, which nutritionists unanimously say: no!

Kefir-apple diet

From the name of the kefir-apple program, it is already clear that the main ingredients are kefir and an apple. This combination should be consumed six times a day. The duration of such a diet does not exceed three days.

A longer version of the hard kefir diet for 8 days

A loss of about 5 kilograms is expected as a result of such a program. Every day you need to drink half a liter of kefir and eat the following rate of products:

  • 1 day - 400 grams of potatoes;
  • Day 2 - 500 grams of dried fruit: for example, prunes are also good for reducing weight;
  • Day 3 - 500 grams of cottage cheese;
  • Day 4 - 500 grams of sour cream;
  • Day 5 - 300 grams of chicken fillet;
  • Day 6 - any fruit;
  • Day 7 - 3 liters of kefir;
  • Day 8 - water.

Diet for 9 days (3 + 3 + 3)

The regime is quite long and heavy, which is why breakdowns are not excluded. The first three days you need to drink a liter and a half of kefir, dividing them into equal portions. The last three days - one and a half kilograms of apples, the last three days - another one and a half liters of kefir.

Striped kefir diet

The diet is called “striped” because its schedule is divided into “light” and “dark” days.

What you can eat on dark days:

  • lean meat, fish;
  • fruits, vegetables.

The diet for "bright" days is more modest - 1, 5 liters of low-fat kefir.

Fruit kefir diet

This program can be followed for a maximum of five days. The daily intake consists of 1. 5 liters of kefir and one kilogram of fruit. All of this is divided into equal parts.

Diet of a famous singer

The singer's weight loss system involves combining separate meals with fasting days on kefir. Carbohydrates should be eaten separately from protein and a few days a week to sit on kefir.

Detailed menu for each day

If a doctor has recommended you and you decide to try the kefir method, your diet will look like the one described below. In the first five days, in addition to the main ingredients, you should also consume 1. 5 liters of kefir.


On the first day, you are allowed to eat four boiled potatoes in their uniform.


On the second day, you can eat 150 grams of skinless chicken.


On the third day, you can indulge yourself with 200 grams of beef.


150 grams of boiled white fish fillet.


Meat lovers will have a hard time on Friday, since the diet consists of only one kilogram of apples or vegetables. In the summer, you can lean on watermelons.


We are only coming back to water and low fat kefir.


how to lose weight on a kefir diet

Sunday is the same as Saturday.

Useful recipes for weight loss

We have tried to bring you a selection of healthy recipes that will help you lose weight quickly and safely, but for a short time:

  • The most common dish made from kefir is ground buckwheat. It is very easy to prepare it. In the evening, you need to rinse and steam the cereals. For breakfast, cereals poured overnight are mixed with kefir. Sugar, butter and salt are not added to the soaked buckwheat porridge.
  • Lin in kefir. The dish has a slight laxative effect. This is due to the presence of fibers, which help the intestines to empty. The method of preparation is simple: the seeds should be soaked in kefir. There are several options for using the dish: you can replace a late dinner, an intermediate meal, or eat like that all day. Besides flax seeds, you can use flour.
  • Beets are used to make smoothies. To do this, grate it and mix it with a glass of kefir. Beat the resulting mixture in a blender. You can try cooking diet beetroot. You can make a banana kefir smoothie in the same way.
  • Cucumber Kefir Okroshka is a good option for a day of fasting. For taste, you can add celery, decorate the dish with fresh herbs: dill or parsley. Cucumbers also contain a useful substance - tartronic acid, which prevents the conversion of carbohydrates into fats. Therefore, those who want to lose weight should include cucumbers in their diet.
  • Cinnamon and ginger. These spices are mixed with kefir and water. The main properties of such a drug are a diuretic and laxative effect.
  • Golden "milk" with the addition of turmeric. It is clear that we are losing weight and will have to replace cow's milk with kefir.
  • Dilute kefir with soda in the following proportions: per liter of drink - a teaspoon of soda and vegetable oil. This cocktail is good for cleansing the intestine.
  • Hercules also cleanses the intestinal tract well. You can make a smoothie with oats, prunes, and flaxseed oil. It is best to take the drink on an empty stomach in the morning. Muesli can be poured in the same way.
  • Chia seeds can be used to make a diet shake. You will need 1 to 2 teaspoons for a glass of kefir.
  • Eating bran is also intended to cleanse the intestines.

How to get out of the kefir diet

At the end of your diet, try using a variety of low-calorie foods in your diet. Let Proper Eating (PP) become your way of life so that you no longer have to sit on a hard diet.

Reviews and results of those who have lost weight

Most of the reviews on the Internet say that with the help of this program it is quite possible to lose weight. People lose 3 to 12 kilograms in relatively short periods of time. But just like a writing that the weight returns. And all because it is not the fat that burns, but the excess fluid leaves (we have already talked about this). Is it worth it to subject your body to such severe torture? This is hardly a big advantage.

Expert advice

Kefir diet - not effective, does not give satiety, is not balanced. Frequent abuse of it forms restrictive eating disorders. But just use kefir periodically or regularly - most of us are quite possible.