How to run well to lose weight

jogging to lose weight

Jogging is a universal method of exercise that allows the human body to quickly burn calories and lose weight. How to lose weight faster on a treadmill, techniques and methods, expected results and contraindications of this method - such information may be of interest to those who dream of becoming slim and beautiful.

Does Running Help You Lose Weight?

While running, all the muscles of the skeleton and limbs are in constant motion, in the runner's body the metabolism and blood flow in the vessels accelerate and they are saturated with oxygen. All toxins and unnecessary substances are eliminated through perspiration.

As a result of regular coordinated movements, the work of the runner's body is activated, which contributes to the burning of energy and the loss of extra pounds. First, the accumulated sugar in the body is broken down, then energy is consumed from fat stores, which allows you to lose weight.

The main advantage of running is the ability to give classes any time of the year and anywhere: at home, in the fresh air, in a gym with exercise equipment, on a treadmill.

To achieve the best possible result, you should choose the optimal running parameters: technique, movement speed and time required for the exercise.

The amount of calories you burn while running depends on several factors:

  1. The runner's weight - the heavier it is, the more muscular effort must be exerted, which will require a lot of energy. At the same time, obese people when jogging can see a positive dynamic faster, but then it decreases.
  2. The intensity of the load, which includes the speed and duration of the run. To lose weight, you need an average or maximum load.
  3. Training site - on rough terrain with ups and downs, the runner uses the maximum number of muscle groups, and when jogging around the stadium - a minimum.
  4. Weather conditions - during cold seasons and during frost, the body expends more energy to maintain normal body temperature, so weight loss will go faster.

Differences for men and women

According to experts, there are differences in the development of weight loss methods for men and women. This is due, first of all, to physiological processes and hormonal background.

The main differences are:

  1. Fat deposits in women are located on the thighs, sides and lower abdomen, in men - in the upper abdomen. In addition, in the latter, the "beer belly" is much easier to remove if you diet and exercise.
  2. Men need a lot of calories for normal health and the work of all organs, because they are naturally endowed with a large number of muscles and a fast metabolism. For women, the minimum required should be 1200 kcal / day, and for men - 1500.
  3. Men are psychologically more difficult to endure the conditions of dieting, and when stressed, they prefer to consume alcohol.
  4. Nutritionists came to a clear conclusion about how much weight per day can be safely lost so that the body has time to rebuild itself: for women - 200-500 g per week (2 kg per month), formen - 200-1000 (up to 4 kg), that is 2 times faster;
  5. Men lose weight faster due to increased muscle mass and faster calorie burn.
  6. Men should consume more protein, which is found in meat, eggs or whey.

Running heart rate

Jogging helps increase the elasticity of the blood vessels and the heart, which helps in the release of much more blood compared to untrained people. The main indicator of the work of the heart and blood vessels is the pulse rate.

With regular training, this value is maximum, so it is very important to monitor its level. Heart rate indicates the intensity level of a workout. To start the process of losing weight, you need to have a heart rate of 50-75% of the maximum possible.

For this, a special calculation formula was adopted: (220 - age - pulse at rest) x 0. 5 + pulse at rest. You can calculate your resting heart rate in an easy way by placing 2 fingers inside your wrist. The average indicators for 60 seconds are: for women - 70-80, for men - 60-70 beats / min.


The most important questions for beginner runners are how long to run and when to start losing weight. It should be borne in mind that in the first 2-3 weeks the human body adapts only to regular physical activity and new working conditions. Therefore, positive results should only be expected at the end of a month of training. Therefore, it is so important not to abandon classes prematurely and not to despair if at first the effect is absent.

As a result of regular jogging, the following positive changes occur in the body:

  • the silhouette is tightened and refined;
  • muscles from constant training become more elastic;
  • the runner acquires a healthy appearance, his physical attractiveness increases.

In the 2nd month of training, the first positive indicators appear - weight reduction to 5-6 kg. With the right choice of diet nutrition, steady weight loss should be expected in the future.


Doctors forbid running for the purpose of losing weight for these diseases and problems:

  • heart defects;
  • poor blood circulation in the vessels;
  • cardiac arrhythmias (tachycardia, arrhythmia, etc. );
  • mitral stenosis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • injuries to the joints or spine;
  • chronic diseases;
  • people with bad habits (smoking, alcoholism, etc. );
  • colds and flu;
  • pregnant and lactating women.

How to operate properly

Doctors consider the trails in a park or forest to be the best place to run in the great outdoors and advise starting in the fall. Then, at the onset of winter, a person will have time to form the necessary immunity, which will help to avoid seasonal colds.

The amount of weight you lose depends on how often and for how long you run. Experts recommend performing initial workouts at least 3-5 times a week, spending 25 to 40 minutes.

When the body has already adapted to the loads, the duration is increased to 1 hour, which will allow us to assess whether running helps with weight loss. Many runners get involved quickly and enjoy their morning workouts, which means they can cover long distances on weekends.

General recommendations

Expert recommendations for running well to lose weight:

  • first of all, a small warm-up is carried out to warm up the muscles, joints and ensure blood circulation (at temperatures below + 5 ° C it is better to warm up at home, and when going outside, immediately start running);
  • if breathing is interrupted during a run, you can not stop (to catch your breath) - it is better to take a step and, having reduced the pace, wait for the recovery of the respiratory rate;
  • it is necessary to gradually increase the time of jogging so that the muscles and heart have time to adapt to the load: the first workout - 15 minutes, then add 5 minutes each until the duration or loptimal habit is formed;
  • for those who want to lose weight on the lower extremities, training should be carried out for at least 1 hour, since in the first 40 minutes the glycogen accumulated in the liver is used, then the consumption of fat begins, in particularin places where muscles are involved.

At the same time, you need to adjust your diet: if you consume more calories during the day than those spent on training, then there will be no positive effects. Therefore, it is so important to diet or apply healthy recipes.

You can not eat right after a run, you need to wait at least half an hour until all body processes are normalized. In the diet, preference should be given to fruits, vegetables, cereals (oatmeal or muesli), fermented dairy products.


You can start running even before you buy any sports equipment. When choosing, it should be borne in mind that the clothes should be comfortable, not impede the free movement, preferably from natural "breathable" fabrics. In winter, it is recommended to wear several layers to create the desired heat transfer.

The shoes - sneakers or sneakers - are chosen according to the season, preferably with a shock-absorbing sole. When buying shoes, the firmness of the surface of the training area is important - the harder it is, the softer the sole should be.

Running for beginners, training from scratch

The answer to the question of how much time you need to spend at the initial stage in training depends on the condition of the muscles and the health of the beginner. Experts advise: starting with short runs of 20-30 minutes a day, then you need to combine them with walking. This will allow the body to adapt more quickly to the gradual increase in muscle work.


To avoid discomfort and severe fatigue after training, you need to learn to breathe properly, consuming as much oxygen as possible.

Specialists use different techniques, consisting of the principles of inhaling / exhaling air through the mouth or nose. Which one to choose depends only on the individual preferences of the runner.

Doctor's advice:

  • when warming up, you need to breathe deeply - this will help expand the chest;
  • breathing too often can disrupt the rhythm and cause dizziness or poor coordination;
  • breathing must be free and the expiration time is 3 times longer than inspiration;
  • over long distances it is recommended to inhale and exhale every three steps;
  • During the colder months, it is best to breathe through your nose to reduce the risk of infections;
  • when jogging, you need to "work" the lower areas of the lungs, where you can exercise and breathe in your stomach.

Time: morning or evening

Experts recommend jogging regularly in the morning, which helps tone the body and improve mood throughout the working day. However, if you don't have enough time in the morning, you can run in the afternoon or evening, which will also have a beneficial effect and help you lose weight.

Your own "body clock" can tell you the best time to exercise. It is recommended to run in the morning on an empty stomach, drinking a glass of still water, and in the evening - 2 hours after eating. An evening run will be particularly effective if it is done 1 to 2 hours after dinner and then there is nothing to eat.

Slimming program

Those who want to lose weight faster should keep in mind that alternating the pace of movement is one of the main conditions for increasing the intensity of weight loss. With monotonous running, the body burns an additional 300 grams in 30 minutes, and with rapid and slow alternation - 1, 5 times more.

There are special, professionally developed programs (eg, reloading) that help combine running with exercises to engage multiple muscle groups at once.

Before you start running training, you need to create a table and enter your starting weight, then record its changes every week after training. If necessary, the load should be increased in order to achieve the required results.


There are several main types of running, it is better for a person to choose the most acceptable for himself. To do this, you need to test them on yourself, and then use the one in which you feel a sense of comfort, your breathing does not stray, and severe fatigue does not accumulate. The variety of running programs also allows you to develop your own training system.


While jogging (at a speed of 10 km / h), a person performs natural movements, using the muscles of the whole body and maintaining even breathing. It differs from simple running in the technique of performing the movements and in the shortened phase of the flight: when one leg pushes off the ground, the other is already lowered on it. Doctors advise all overweight beginners to use this type of running.

Beginners are advised to try this technique starting with a warm-up (10 minutes) and jogging three times a week for 10-15 minutes, and it is best to end with a leisurely walk for 15 minutes.


Economical movement styles include walking (3 to 7 km / h) and light jogging (8 to 10 km / h), in which a person expends the minimum number of calories. The amount of energy consumed in this case depends on the speed of movement and the body weight of the runner.


As the training program becomes more complex, you need to go from an easy run to a faster run: gradually increase your pace, run uphill, over rough terrain (ravines, mountains, hills, etc. . ).

The next step is to add an alternation of active and quiet running, climbing stairs, jumping with a rolling pin, etc. If you walk up the stairs every day, it helps build muscle tissue quickly and shed extra pounds.

With acceleration

The most popular and effective technique is interval running. With this method, it is necessary to divide the route into specific time intervals, in each period it is necessary to reduce or speed up the pace and the load.

For example, walk the first 100m in an active step (warm up muscles and adjust breathing), the next 100m - jog, then 50m - fast run for a short distance (sprint), then walk 100m in running walk, regain his breathing and rest. The established cycle must be repeated.

The advantage of this method is the expenditure of energy in periods (during the sprint), then the transition to a calm stage. It helps to speed up the process of calorie burning in the body and, as a result, to lose weight faster. In addition, the muscles do not dry out during such training.

By 5 km

Long-distance running can stimulate the body, build endurance, and improve overall well-being. To master long distances of 5 kilometers or more, you need to correctly calculate your strength. Professionals recommend jogging long distances, but exercise and interval jogging should be added to increase the effectiveness of weight loss.

At home

Home activities are suitable for people who are embarrassed to run outside. At home, you can train by walking quickly around the room and then jogging in place. In this case, it is necessary to raise the knees high, trying to touch the heels of the hips from behind.

For joggers, it is recommended to install a treadmill that allows you to run at home or in the gym. To lose weight, it is necessary to use the method of interval training, changing the pace of the run and the incline of the simulator, repeating it in cycles of 5-7 times. The combination of running and weight training for 30 minutes also shows maximum efficiency, which helps to lose weight faster.

Running is powerful exercise and can help anyone lose weight. To do this in order to lose weight, you need to have patience, because the first results of weight loss will not appear immediately. However, after 2-3 weeks, patience and work will allow you to mend the first lost pounds and see the result.